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The Cheimonette Tarot

550,00 kr

5 i lager

Artikelnr: 55 Kategori: Etiketter: , Product ID: 5581


Jag är så otroligt glad för att Angelicas Livsmagi nu är återförsäljare av Eden Gallanters magiska tarotkortlek.

Jag har använt mig av den här kortleken under flera års tid när det kommer till mitt personliga tarotanvändande. Jag hoppas att du kommer att fascineras och fängslas av Edens unika kortlek lika mycket som jag har gjort.

The Cheimonette Tarot is a new kind of deck, applying a unique interpretation to a traditional tarot structure. It is designed to encourage personal interpretation, educated free-association, and a creative approach to using tarot.

Från Edens Kickstarter projekt för några år sedan:

”The Cheimonette Tarot is a new and totally unique deck, created and painted by me over the last ten years. ”Cheimonette” means ”Little Storm” a combination of the Greek cheimon (storm) and the French -ette (little), it’s a word I made up that would be unique to me. ”Little storm” refers to the tumult of chaotic inspiration I associate with being an artist.

The deck uses a rich language of symbolism that is rooted in several historic tarot traditions, but also builds a tradition all its own. It provides a basic system and framework of symbolic imagery, but is specifically designed to invite individual interpretation and participation.

The foundation of the Cheimonette Tarot is collaboration. It invites tarot practitioners and those interested in using tarot to learn about the symbolism and the images, and then to forge their own new associations when they actually use the cards (a technique I have been using in my own tarot practice, which I call “educated free-association”). I believe in an intuitive approach to using tarot, one that makes tarot more accessible and more flexible to those interested in using it. I wanted to make space in my deck for you— for your own symbols and image associations and unique ideas, built on top of mine— a collaborative approach to tarot symbolism and practice.”

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Edens hemsida


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